Welcome to Global Mandate the social networking news website where the news is user submitted and moderated. Start by creating a account and then voting for the mandates you agree with on /all/upcoming
Instructions: Signup or login and then navigate to a sub category to be able to submit your own unique mandate for others to consider voting for!
Welcome to an experiment in global participatory democracy with the potential for much more. The spirit of this effort is that of the ancient world citizens. The urgency is to equitably and mutually involve increasing world populations in the decisions that affect us all yet are too often made by a few in charge of the largest businesses and nations, covertly without anyone else's consent.
All problems are now global ones. As are the best opportunities, such as space exploration. They require transparent, mutually-involved solutions.
Global Mandates - Mandate Voting Now Available to Everyone!
submitted by jr 2024/10/27 04:54 pm (via https://globalmandates.org...)
Global Mandates - Mandate Voting Now Available to Everyone!
Act #2 - Test and document changes needed to each URL / Page of the website by hand. Take reusable notes!ested and refined short detailed content
submitted by doctor 2024/10/27 09:50 pm (via https://globalmandates.org/...)
Act #2 - Test and document changes needed to each URL / Page of the website by hand. Take reusable notes!ested and refined short detailed content
Act #1 - Populate the site pages with rewritten tested and refined short detailed content
submitted by doctor 2024/10/27 09:23 pm (via https://globalmandates.org/users/members/doctor...)
Act #1 - Populate the site pages with rewritten tested and refined short detailed content
This is a science based mandate!
submitted by doctor 2024/11/03 02:22 am (via https://example.com...)
This is a science based mandate!